29.08.10 / Farewell to Winter

This evening we farewell Winter with a warm selection of organic ambient sounds, lo-fi beats & chilled electronica.

[ 8:00pm ] 
As One - Shambala (Balil Mix)
Astrobotnia - Lightworks
Anders Ilar - Ghostwaltz On The Third Floor
Beauchamp Falls - Post Operative
Lawrence English - Watching It Unfold
Chihei Hatakeyama - Bonfire On The Field
[ 8:30pm ] 
Sola Translatio (Alio Die & Opium) - Lullaby For The Desert Moon
Spheruleus - The Redundant Filter
B(if)tek - Convergence
Beauchamp Falls - Gritty
Biosphere - The Things I Tell You
[ 9:00pm ] 
Robin Guthrie & Harold Budd - My Monochrome Vision
Spheruleus - Blue Moon
B(if)tek - Into The Clouds
Isan - Ampule
Esem - b4 igo
Boards of Canada - Corsair
[ 9:30pm ]


Music played on the show - free music!

Anders Ilar


Beauchamp Falls
